Secure ski depots

We’ve done everything to ensure you have a great holiday. We have special ski depots which can be locked and are free to use.

Ski depots with shoe heaters

When you’ve finished skiing and head back to your holiday home, your skis will most likely be covered in snow and your shoes will probably be wet. Our ski depots solve this problem by allowing your skis and shoes to dry.

  • Enclosed space so your skis and boots are safe
  • Shoe heaters to dry your shoes
  • If you are still wearing your snow shoes when entering the building, we kindly request you to go to the ski depot through the parking garage.
  • Please do not walk through the building with skis and snowshoes, seen as this creates a mess. We also ask you not to take them into your apartment but to ,instead, leave them in the ski depot


Book your luxurious winter sports holiday  🏂